Teatime Adventures RPG: Cozy Companion 8 - Adventures Constellations (EN)

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In this volume of Cozy Companion, reach for the stars! Dance your way through Starsong in a new Teatime Adventures mystery, find new fiends for ink, a new era for Time Tails, and a constellation of interviews and activities!

Constellations includes:

The "Mambo Under the Stars" adventure for Teatime Adventures

A Time Tails Setting Guide for Renaissance Italy and adventure prompts for running adventures in the far future

New fiends for ink set at the very edge of the Ink

Interviews with game designer Ben Rosset (Search for Planet X) and game cafe Oddwillow's Game Haven

More questions for "Ask Dr. Squeak", set in the world of Mercurio

An all new wellness feature featuring Petal Wingstar

A guide to make your own constellation jar and new Starry Sky Tarts!
Hersteller: Snowbright Studio
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: SBSTA014
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Teatime Adventures RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele