Anime 5E RPG: Beyonder Worlds Realms Beyond Fantasy (EN)

43,40 €
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Verfügbar ab: November 2024
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Power up your adventurers and travel across the galaxy with Beyonder Worlds - Realms Beyond Fantasy. Whether you're fully embracing alternate game genres or integrating multiple settings with a traditional Fifth Edition fantasy world, Beyonder Worlds is your key to unlocking the vast, unlimited potential of Anime 5E. This 160-page, full-colour expansion delves into the settings and conventions of five intriguing anime gaming genres: science fiction, mecha action, urban fantasy, gritty cyberpunk, and modern Earth. There's also a wealth of game material for players and DMs: 20+ enhanced Attributes and Defects, 7 new player character Species, 10 new Classes, 16 creature threats, dozens of wondrous items, and more. Enrich your adventuring stories with Beyonder Worlds!
Hersteller: Dyskami Publishing
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: DYSAN608
GTIN: 9781989695456
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Anime 5E RPG
Lieferstatus‍: Preorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele