Beyond the Supernatural RPG: Sourcebook Creature Feature (EN)

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Beyond the Supernatural™ is set in our modern world seen through the lens of mystery and the supernatural. A lens that lets us see clearly the "things" - the creatures and powers - that science and our rational minds tell us are not real. It is a world of shadows and the uncanny where a monster may really be hiding under your bed or stalking the alley. Creatures that lurk in dark corners and prey upon the unsuspecting, the innocent, and the wicked.

Creature Feature is a journey into just a few of those dark corners. Places where strange and terrible creatures wait, and bold heroes and psychic investigators face their fears and fight against the gathering darkness.

15 supernatural creatures described in depth. Some are new. Some were pulled from the pages of The Rifter® but updated and expanded (many completely rewritten). All of them are dynamic, scary, and offer different horror adventure experiences.
Each creature offers adventure hooks and ideas for more.
The art of making and running monsters.
Creature encounter table and tips on making unique creatures.
Player paranormal investigator background table.
Game Master source material and tips for running modern horror.
More world setting and monster hunting lore.
Rules clarifications and errata.
A full adventure and numerous adventure suggestions.
Paranormal encounter ideas, tips, advice, NPCs, and more.
Written by Steven Dawes, Kevin Siembieda, and others.
Art by Steven Cummings, Nick Bradshaw, and others.
192 pages

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Palladium Books
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BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld

Hersteller: Palladium Books
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: PAL0704
GTIN: 9781574572784
Spielsystem‍: Beyond the Supernatural RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele