Cy_Borg RPG: A$$holes & Elbows (EN)

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It's simple: get to Big Dumpers, search for the implant, get the fuck out, and return it to Mr. G. What could possibly go wrong?

About the pamphlet:

A low-level, mid-tier manager type from Aegis Conglomerated-using the screen name Mr. Greensleeves-needs an Aegis BioTech prototype implant recovered. This rare tech was "mistakenly" put down the recycle chute and ended up in a Mosscroft junkyard, Big Dumpers.

As reward for recovering the implant and saving his job Mr. G promises to provide a backdoor into Aegis Financial for potential debt reduction.

Includes six ridiculous implants, twelve encounters, and five NPCs

The Team:

Written & Illustrated by Rugose Kohn
Edited by Ashley Kronebusch

Full color letter-sized tri-fold pamphlet

Hersteller: Rugose Kohn
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: RPGRGK005
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Cy_Borg RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele