DCC RPG: The Stennard Courier Vol. 1 (EN)

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Stennard is a community on the brink of collapse. Famine, coupled with corrupt leadership, has left it struggling to survive.

The Stennard Courier Vol. 1 is a DCC RPG compatible town center for 0-4th level characters. Stennard is a great base of operations for adventurers, filled with interesting NPCs to engage with, rumors to be gleaned, and shops to frequent.

This zine details 11 encounter locations complete with the NPCs that populate them. Each major NPC has their own table of rumors and opinions. with 64 total rumors to be uttered from their lips. This zine begins with an overview of the town with its laws, culture, and religions. It ends with menus and things for sale in the center of town, and a Stennardite name generator with a note on naming conventions for creating your own names on the fly.

The goal of the zine was to create a web of connections between the NPCs through motivations and rumors that make it feel like a living, breathing small-town.

This zine is the perfect companion to The Precipice of Corruption, The Protectorate of Jenulane, and Wide-eyed Terror Zine. Each of these adventures is connected to the humble town of Stennard, and the NPCs in this zine reference those connections. This gives you the option to add additional depth to those adventures, or to use it as a stand alone town for your own.

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BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld
eMail: sales@bnw-distribution.com

Hersteller: Breaker Press
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: BRPDCC004
Spielsystem‍: DCC RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele