Dead Reign RPG: Sourcebook 2 - Dark Places (EN)

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Dead Reign®: Dark Places™ presents four new, gruesome zombies that will make your skin crawl, plus more survivor secrets, using railroad tracks and the urban underground - sewers, storm drains, steam tunnels and other subterranean labyrinths - to travel unseen and undetected by the walking dead. Of course, these "secret highways" of the human survivors have their own dangers and problems.

The sourcebook then looks into the darkest place of all, a man's soul, and how some misanthropes sacrifice their fellow human beings as "zombie bait" for their own advancement. Much of the source material is written from the perspective of Brad Ashley and is full of helpful observations, suggestions, and ideas for adventure.

Four new zombies that are different and terrifying: Worm Meat, Bug Boys, Sewer Crawlers and Impersonator Zombies.
"Live Bait" zombie lures that use human beings as bait.
Traveling along railroad tracks and zombie encounter tables.
Boxcar encounters and 101 boxcar contents table.
The urban underground - traveling through sewers, storm drains, steam tunnels and other dark places.
The pitfalls and dangers of the urban underground.
Diseases, infection and insect infestation.
Additional world information and advice from Brad Ashley.
Random encounter tables and more.
Many, many ideas for new adventure.
Written by Kevin Siembieda.
Illustrated by Amy Ashbaugh, Nick Bradshaw, Mike Mumah and others.
Cover by E.M. Gist.
64 pages
Hersteller: Palladium Books
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: PAL0232
GTIN: 9781574571769
Spielsystem‍: Dead Reign RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele