Dreams and Machines RPG: Gamemasters Guide (EN)

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The Dreams and Machines Gamemaster's Guide contains:

- 240 pages packed with full color art bringing the world to life. A detailed guide to the history and secrets of Evera Prima, a map and guide to the region around New Mossgrove, information on the wider continent of Nedresita
- Everything you need to lead your players in creating memorable stories in the world of Evera Prime, including a deep dive into the playable factions and peoples of Evera Prime, providing much more insight into their stories, backgrounds, and ways of life.
- Detailed briefs on the Thralls, the Wakers, the Builder, and the Dark City - dangerous forces at work behind the scenes or actively opposing the Everans.
- Guidance for the gamemaster on running scenes and advice on core mechanics, like Skill Tests, Truths, Threat, Hazards, Action Scenes, the Spirit Economy, and creating and running NPCs.
- A host of challenging enemies including malevolent Nanograms, Civilian, Industrial, and Military Wakers, vicious bioengineered creatures, and dangerous plantlife! Plus a host of sample NPCs from across various factions to populate your adventures.
- Rules to build your own Wakers and challenge the players!
- A complete starting adventure: Secrets in Los Rios which can be played standalone or following on from the events of the campaign in the Dreams and Machines Starter Set.

Requires the Dreams and Machines Player's Guide.

Hersteller: Modiphius Entertainment
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: MOD1140102
GTIN: 9781802810851
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Dreams and Machines RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele