Dune Imperium: Bloodlines (EN)

36,10 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Backorder)

Lieferzeit: 91 - 93 Werktage

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The Great Houses of the Imperium live and die by their lineage. Plots unfold over generations as Emperors build dynasties, and the Bene Gesserit weave prophecy into reality. As alliances rise and fall, leaders face a single question: How far will you go to secure your bloodline?

Bloodlines expands both Dune: Imperium and Uprising with powerful new tools to achieve victory. Recruit Sardaukar Commanders to bolster your fighting force. Unlock the potential of all-new Tech tiles. New Leaders, Contracts, and cards open more strategic possibilities than ever before. War sweeps across the universe, and only the strongest Bloodlines will survive. Content: 86 Cards (including Navigation cards) 9 Leaders 7 Sardaukar Commander miniatures 14 Sardaukar Commander Skills Ixian Embassy Board 18 Tech tiles 8 Contracts ...and more!

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Hersteller: Dire Wolf
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: DWDDUNEI13
GTIN: 810058800473
Anzahl‍: 1 Spieler2 Spieler3 Spieler4 Spieler
Altersempfehlung‍: ab 12 Jahren
Spielsystem‍: Dune Imperium
Spieldauer‍: bis 120 Minuten
Genre‍: Science Fiction
Sprache‍: Englisch
Produktart‍: Erweiterung
Lieferstatus‍: Backorder
Warengruppe‍: Spiele