Era: The Consortium RPG - New Dawn (EN)

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A New Dawn is an expansion for the Era: The Consortium Sci-fi tabletop RPG, introducing psionic powers to character creation. Prepare to control the free will of your enemies, inflict hallucinations mid-battle, and even read people's minds with a glance. In the world of Era: The Consortium, psionics are a feared yet highly prized living resource, but wielding these abilities doesn't come without its own dangers...

Pushing your mind to its very limit takes its toll on the psionic individual. Overusing your powers will accumulate exhaustion points, which eventually compound into madness. High amounts of madness inflicted on your character can result in hysteria and hallucinations, leading to blackouts where the character may act irrationally and be temporarily controlled by the DM. Playing a psionic character involves carefully balancing your powers with your own sense of self, or gambling it all and risking your very mind for an edge in a deadly confrontation.

In this Era: The Consortium TTRPG expansion you will find:

  • New options for character creation, as well as suggestions for backgrounds, quirks, and other traits that relate to living with psionic powers
  • A range of psionic powers to prepare your character for adventure
  • Short stories establishing psionic characters in the Era: The Consortium universe
  • Rules for using Psionic Abilities; including Exhaustion, Madness and how to defend yourself against Psionic attacks from your enemies
  • Examples of the rules in action for maximum clarity
  • GM advice for including psionic characters in your games

Hersteller und/oder Verantwortliche Person innerhalb der EU:

Shades of Vengeance LTD
75 Western Road
UB2 5HQ Southall

Verantwortliche Person für die EU:
BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld

Hersteller: Shades of Vengeance
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: SOVERA008
Spielsystem‍: Era: The Consortium RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele