Harnmaster: City of Thay (EN)

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Thay is the second-largest city in the Kingdom of Melderyn in southeast Hârn. The city is the dominant economic force in northern Melderyn, both as as a busy seaport and the terminus of one of the major trade routes of eastern Hârn. It is the closest port on the Hârnic mainland to the Lythian continent.

Thay offers game masters many opportunities, both as the site of urban intrigue and adventure and as a base for treks into the wilderness. The lands to the north of Thay are inhabited by barbarian tribesmen and nomadic bands of gargun (orcs).

The Thay article contains an overview of the city's history, econimics, religion, government, and military forces. In addition to a full-page color player map, color GM maps are provided for each district of the city and more than 70 locations are described. Also included are full descriptions and plans of the Temple of Larani (goddess of chivalry and battle) and the ruined Temple of Peoni (goddess of agriculture and healing), which was sacked 15 years ago when the town was attacked by viking raiders from the Kingdom of Orbaal.

Some material in this article was originally published in Cities of Hârn (1983) and Son of Cities (1987). The article has been organized to allow for future expansion of new plans and sites within the city.

Includes Thay #B9: Jeweler expansion.

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BNW Distribution GmbH
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Hersteller: Columbia Games
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: COL05702
Spielsystem‍: Harnmaster RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Lieferstatus‍: Backorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele