Mörk Borg RPG: Portents of the Degloved Hand - Glow in the Dark Dice Set

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D4 Game Die
What's cooler than a custom d4 with the words "Disaster", "Disease", "Destruction", and "Death" on it? One that glows in the dark!

Measuring 2" long and .5" on each side, this unique d4 harkens back to the bones rolled by Romans and Vikings alike.

Add these so that each of your players can feel like they have some control over their characters' fate, especially in the dark.

Omen Orgy D2 Die
Not only does this custom d4 only roll 1s and 2s, but this one glows in the dark!

Measuring 2" long and .5" on each side, this unique d4 harkens back to the bones rolled by Romans and Vikings alike.

Hersteller: Raven Portents
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: RAVMB005
GTIN: 60
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Mörk Borg RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele
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