Mothership RPG: Unconfirmed Contracts (EN)

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The Not-So-Classic MONSTER BOOK for Mothership.
[a Mother ship 1E: First Edition Core Rulebook]

Unconfirmed Contact Reports is Mothership's answer to the classic Monster Book, with guidance on creating monsters, aliens, and other terrifying horrors.

About the book:
Unconfirmed Contact Reports is your guide to running terrifying encounters with strange entities and horrendous abominations. It comes complete with a section on designing your own horrors, and over 40 unique, fully illustrated monstrosities

40+ fully illustrated unique horrors
100+ in-world prompts
Guide to designing your own creatures

In Mothership there is a saying: Every monster is a boss monster. That means that each unique horror is a threat that you build 1-3 sessions around, rather than an obstacle meant to be defeated in a single encounter. These horrors are puzzles meant to be solved, ordeals to be survived, or terrors to save innocents from.

Unconfirmed Contact Reports has taken a novel approach to the classic bestiary style guide. It keeps the stat blocks simple, and instead provides you with first-hand accounts of encounters with its strange and terrifying entities.

Each eye-witness account is written to be dropped directly into your game as evidence or clues that you can share directly with your players in game.

The Team:
Written by Izzy Bull, Luke Gearing, Fiona Maeve Geist, Alan Gerding, Tyler Kimball, Wendy Pippin, Donn Stroud and David N. Wilkie

Illustrated by Franck Besançon, Daeva Hotline, William Davidson, Dylan.s, Daniel Francisco, Nick Grant, Dan Hawksworth, Trevor Henderson, Justyna Koziczak, Ben Longoria, Patrick Loveland, Trevor Mccoy, Nayla, Noizevul, Luis Perez-banus, Nick Tofani, Scrap Princess, Theotherwell, Luka Shults, and David N. Wilkie

Edited by Jarrett Crader

56 pages, saddle-stitched digest sized zine.

Hersteller: Tuesday Knight Games
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: TKGMS003
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Mothership RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele