Rifts Chaos Earth RPG: Hardcover (EN)

32,04 €
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Lieferzeit: 91 - 93 Werktage

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The Great Cataclysm as it unfolds! The Golden Age of Science and human civilization is shattered with the return of magic and the Coming of the Rifts. Humanity struggles to survive against impossible odds as ley lines appear and Rifts tear open the fabric of space and time to unleash all manner of alien invaders, demonic horrors, and monsters. Natural disasters - storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tidal waves - topple cities and create panic and chaos on a global scale.

You play survivors or the heroes of NEMA (the Northern Eagle Military Alliance) as you battle against the elements, madness, the demonic, the alien, the monstrous, and the magical amidst the devastation. You are equipped with Chromium Guardsmen (Glitter Boys), Silver Eagles (SAMAS), and a host of giant robots, power armor and advanced technology, but is it enough to stand against a rising tide of enemies and invading horrors from other worlds?

You and other survivors are humanity's last and only hope to survive the apocalypse that will become known as the Great Cataclysm. These are the heroes you play in an ever-changing, nightmare world that can only be described as Chaos Earth.

A complete RPG and the origins of Rifts® Earth.
Overview of the Great Cataclysm as it unfolds.
Introduction to NEMA and its weapons and resources.
11 different character classes, including robot pilots, the Para-Arcane, Demon and Witch Hunters, Chromium Guardsmen & more.
Robots, power armor, vehicles, weapons, and equipment.
Monsters, chaos and adventure. Written by Kevin Siembieda.
30 pages of "bonus" material gathered from The Rifter®.
192 pages

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Hersteller: Palladium Books
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: PAL0660HC
Spielsystem‍: Rifts Chaos Earth RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Lieferstatus‍: Backorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele