Rifts Chaos Earth RPG: Resurrection (EN)

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The Golden Age of Science and human civilization is shattered with the return of magic and the Coming of the Rifts. Overnight, human civilization is toppled. Many major cities are wiped from the face of the Earth. Humanity struggles to survive against impossible odds and the demonic horrors, aliens and monsters emerging from the Rifts.

Now comes the first invasion from another world. Its army? The corpses of our own dead, deliberately reanimated to become an invasion force to conquer the living. A growing number are mechanized zombies - nightmarish creations with multiple body parts and armor and weapons bolted right onto their bodies. Unless stopped, they could wipe out all human life.

Do you hear the Transmission? If you do, it may drive you mad.
Chaos Zombies rise to slaughter the living.
12 different mechanized Scrap Zombies soon join their ranks.
Frankenstein amalgamations, Scrap Zombies are armored and weaponized in ways never before imagined. They stalk the ruins of civilization and battle power armored troops in a death match humanity must win.
Amped Zombies are fast and deadly.
Boogeymen lurk in the shadows to pick off the living one by one.
Brain Melters are dead Crazies who use their powers to hunt the living and locate them for the zombie hordes.
Garbagemen gather the dead, extra body parts and special components.
Headbanger are horrific and deadly with multiple heads and long-range weapons.
Living Dead Girls are the infiltrators who look normal but are zombie saboteurs and assassins.
Reapers, armored, fast and deadly.
Scorchers, walking time bombs.
Soldier Boys are the backbone of the Scrap Zombies.
Stitchers rebuild and repair the zombies in the field.
Toxic Vomitous spew acidic bile at the living.
Walking Nightmares, a freakish and monstrous amalgamation of body parts and weapons.
Chaos Zombies, what you might consider "normal" zombies that number into the tens of thousands. It is they who get cannibalized and remade into the weaponized Scrap Zombies.
Zombie Mistakes and Quirks Tables.
The Black Obelisk, a zombie factory, a mad man and dark magic.
More monsters and plagues from beyond the Rifts.
Bringing mechanized zombies to other game settings.
Suitable for use in Rifts®, Heroes Unlimited™ and other RPG worlds.
Written by Taylor White and Kevin Siembieda.
160 pages

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Hersteller: Palladium Books
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: PAL0666
GTIN: 9781574572063
Spielsystem‍: Rifts Chaos Earth RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Lieferstatus‍: Backorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele