Rifts Chaos Earth RPG: Softcover (EN)

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The response to this series has been great!

Chaos Earth® puts the player in the center of the Great Cataclysm - the apocalyptic upheaval that, in the end, creates what we know as Rifts Earth.

Player Characters live through the death throes of human civilization, the reshaping of the very planet, and the birth of Rifts Earth. You bear angry witness to the Earth's fiery rebirth as it goes screaming to become a cauldron of mystic energy, a multi-dimensional doorway to infinite alien worlds and the catalyst for endless possibilities.

One's greatest challenge is not only survival and battling monsters, but keeping one's sanity, goodness and soul.

You - the player - exist in the eye of the hurricane. A maelstrom that, even as you play, is reshaping the entire planet.

You - the hero - are the last bastion of goodness, idealism and life.

You - the protector of the innocent - are all that stands between the helpless masses and the devouring hordes.

You - as one of the last people standing, unwilling to give up, unwilling to die, unwilling to let chaos win - fight with ruthless conviction against every face of evil, from the openly inhuman and monstrous to your fellow man.

You - as gamers - have never experienced anything like it. Absolute chaos, ruthlessness and savagery in a no-holds-barred free-for-all for survival . . . and more.

Page Count: 160 pages.
Cover: Scott Johnson.
Interior Art: By Breaux, Perez, Williams, Okamura and others.
Written by: Kevin Siembieda.

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Hersteller: Palladium Books
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: PAL0660
GTIN: 9781574570847
Spielsystem‍: Rifts Chaos Earth RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Lieferstatus‍: Backorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele