Rifts RPG: World Book 32 - Lemuria (EN)

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Rifts® Lemuria is packed with new magic, weapons, living power armor, monstrous war steeds, weapons, and gear suitable for landlubbers and aquatic adventurers alike.

The Lemurians are an amphibious people with floating cities and magic-based technology that allows for land and underwater adventures alike. Discover the secrets and people of this lost and forgotten civilization of magic and wonder. Add amphibious capabilities to your Rifts® campaigns and discover new menaces under the sea. Amphibious in nature, Lemurians wage war against the demonic on dry land and under the waves. Their exotic riding animals, weapons, armor and magic are suitable for use on land and underwater.

The Lemurians, their race, history and society.
5 aquatic races: Lemurians, Junk Crabs, Ichthyleans, Merans and Milu.
5 Sea Dragons.
5 Symbiotic Stone Vehicles (and a drone scout).
8 expansive, new O.C.C.s including the Serpent Hunter, Spouter, Oceanic Guardsman, Biomancer Gene-Mage, Birdman and others.
9 monstrous and wondrous Lemurian War Steeds.
10 suits of living Bio-Armor, plus the Wave Strider and Bio-Skins.
10 Biomancy plants and creatures from the Lemurian Gardens.
16 strange and exotic animals.
19 types of Lemurian weapons.
21 new Hydro-Psionic abilities for the Spouter and Hydros Sea Dragon.
50+ new Biomancy spells and a handful of new Ocean Magic spells.
Biomancer Gardens, herbs and magic.
The Stone Guardians of Easter Island and other mysteries.
Symbiotic creatures and Biomancy constructs; some that enable air-breathers to survive underwater indefinitely.
New dangers, new challenges, adventure ideas and more.
Written by Greg Diaczyk with additional material by Matthew Clements and Kevin Siembieda.
Cover by John Zeleznik.
Tons of interior art by Chuck Walton, Mike Mumah, Brian and Allen Manning, Kent Burles, Nick Bradshaw and Amy Ashbaugh.
224 pages

Hersteller: Palladium Books
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: PAL0885
GTIN: 9781574571820
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Rifts RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele