Ruination Pilgrimage RPG (EN)

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Ruination Pilgrimage: A Medieval Horror RPG + PDF
Humanity is demonkind's plaything, host, and sustenance.

These demons are legion and make war upon populace by spreading famine, discord, and disease.

About the book:
Ruination Pilgrimage is a Panic Engine Game of horror, plague, warfare, and demons set in a medieval age. Within this book are rules, light setting hints, and many tables filled with the information to run long campaigns or one-off sessions.

There are five playable classes: Fighter, Priest, Merchant, Scholar, or Laborer. Multiple tables are used to generate previous jobs with skills and stat bumps, histories, random starting kits, and a vice. Vices are leveraged at certain times in the game and interact with the Panic Engine introduced in the Mothership: Sci-fi Horror RPG by Tuesday Knight Games.

Percentile dice are used to attempt actions with success and failures depending on if the dice result are below or above the Attribute Score or Save.

Sorrow is accumulated on failed rolls and demonic encounters.
If enough Sorrow builds up, characters may Despair and find themselves in worse situations!

Play as a Fighter trained in either archery or arms, Merchants with their fast-talking and deal-making persuasiveness, Scholars who are highly trained in the sciences and arts, the Clergy who are able to invoke angels and utter nearly magical prayers, and lastly the Laborer who toil and create the tools used in everyday life and the never ending war with the legions of demons.

The Team:
Written by Donn Stroud, James A. Pozenel Jr., and Benjamin Kanelos
Art by Adam B. Forman

A5, full color, 64 pages, saddle stitch, 80# inner pages, 100# cover.

Hersteller: Psychoda Press
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: PSPRP001
Sprache‍: Englisch
Spielsystem‍: Ruination Pilgrimage RPG
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele