Starfinder RPG: Galaxy Guide Retailer Cover Edition S2 (EN)

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Blast off into Starfinder Second Edition with a star chart of the galaxy and a thrilling tour of adventuring locations across the vastness of interstellar space! The Starfinder Galaxy Guide is a primer designed for new and experienced players that explores popular types of science fantasy campaigns-galactic exploration, horror, war-torn space opera, and more-giving GMs and players tools for playing out those types of stories in their Starfinder game. The Galaxy Guide also introduces several powerful galactic factions as potential friends or foes, including AbadarCorp's holy corporate empire, the infernal orders of the Hellknights, and the world-preserving Xenowardens. Each major faction includes a new archetype players can use to create a character with ties to that faction. The galactic tour ends with a database of playable alien ancestries including a telepathic mega-brain with an atrophied body (contemplative), a friendly shapeshifter with a secretly bizarre true form (astrazoan), and more!

The Starfinder Galaxy Guide includes:

A double-sided map featuring the Starfinder galaxy and the Pact Worlds system.
Six new playable alien ancestries: astrazoan, contemplative, dragonkin, kalo, sarcesian, and vlaka.
Six new archetypes related to powerful galactic factions.
Exciting new lore introducing new gods, current events, and important hotspots in the Starfinder setting!
This retailer exclusive cover edition features a rendition of the original cover art that harkens to old school retro video games, and is offered exclusively to Paizo's hobby retail partners and direct sale on

Written by: Kate Baker, Rigby Bendele, Joseph Blomquist, Jessica Catalan, John Compton, Anthony Dollinger, Alexi Greer, Sen H.H.S., Thurston Hillman, Jenny Jarzabski, Mike Kimmel, Dustin Knight, Dennis Muldoon, Quinn Murphy, Emily Parks, Letterio Mammoliti, and Kendra Leigh Speedling.

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Paizo Inc.
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Verantwortliche Person für die EU:
BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld

Hersteller: Paizo Publishing
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: PZO22004SK
GTIN: 9781640786653
Spielsystem‍: Starfinder RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Lieferstatus‍: Preorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele