The Cthulhu Hack RPG: From Unformed Realms (EN)

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As a Gamemaster, you just can't have something planned for every eventuality. Perhaps you have to step in to run something on short notice or the normal group can't meet so you want something to change the pace. The Cthulhu Hack offers a simple system for investigative horror, but where to get the horror? From Unformed Realms offers you a gathering of random tables to provide a springboard for your creativity just when you need it most.

For those moments when your players have taken the inevitable path away from whatever you have planned, From Unformed Realms provides the ideal tool for conjuring up a flash of inspiration. In 20 horror packed pages, the supplement provides myriad options for the random creation of horrific nightmares and unnameable monstrosities. You can either roll randomly with a 6-sided die or flick to a random page and choose a numbered section, then inflict the content on your appreciative players.

Pookie - "What it is, is a means to throw something unexpected and unknown into the path of the investigators, adventurers, or misfortunates... the sort of book you want to have on your shelf when short of ideas and short of time and browsing for inspiration." (Reviews from R'lyeh)

Steven Robert - "'s an evocative and easy to read source of inspiration for just about any otherworldly monster. I like how it cuts straight to the weirdness - horrific or simply dangerous - and lets you build the monster around those core abilities. I fully intend to use this in fantasy games." (RPGGeek)

Steve Donohue - "First things first, Paul offered me a free copy of this product, but after I read it, I went back and paid for it. Overall this is a great collection of tables with some very inventive options as well as some of the expected options. It's a great product." (RPGGeek)

The supplement contains references and monsters based on the Horror genre. The book does contain references to acts of fictional violence and biological functions, but nothing unsuitable for someone sitting down to play a game of Lovecraftian investigative horror in the first place!

From Unformed Realms is a system-free supplement, easily adapted it to your favourite game system or campaign setting. Some material previously released under the title Consult Appendix Z.

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Verantwortliche Person für die EU:
BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld

Hersteller: Just Crunch Games
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: JCGCH002
Spielsystem‍: The Cthulhu Hack RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele