The Dragons Hoard #40 (5E) (EN)

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Magic, Monsters, and More!

The Dragon's Hoard is a monthly anthology of magic items, spells, monsters, and more for your 5th Edition campaign! Each issue of The Dragon's Hoard takes every new magic item, spell, monster, or other new rules content from our ongoing Legendary Loot Patreon and presents it for you, with dozens of new elements beautifully illustrated and ready to unleash on your players! In this month's features you'll find:

- The Treasure Trove, featuring magnificent magical items like the spiteful dirk, reverberating breastplate, wolfheart elixir, and yoke of the brazen bull!
- Basker's Books, featuring new spells for every 5E spellcasting class like molten orb, path of glory, mirror hideaway, and curse of burning sleep!
- Character Options, featuring new special features for your classes like the High Plains Drifter background and new feats like Drag Down and Deceptive Exchange!
- Marvelous Monsters, featuring killer creatures across every challenge level like the twist-fey aventesma, the cantankerous three-bodied geryoneo, and the smugly savage crocosphinx!

Hersteller: Legendary Games
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: LGP601DH405E
GTIN: 9798880341412
Spielsystem‍: Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele