A Most Fearful Sacrifice is an epic two-player wargame with over 15 square feet of playing area and 526 playing pieces depicting the fighting that occurred during all three days of this decisive clash. The game utilizes a new ACW operating system called the Black Swan system, which is closely related to the popular Blind Swords game system first introduced in the game The Devil's To Pay! by Tiny Battle Publishing. This version of the system is specifically designed to handle larger-scale battles yet keep rules overhead low. Players can simulate huge encounters in a reasonable amount of playing time. This is accomplished in one way through the use of card draws rather than chit pulls. Also, players will trigger activations by Corps instead of by lower-level formations but they still have tactical decision-making choices by needing to determine which Divisions get activation priority. Though at a grander scale, this system maintains a tactical feel about it and still emphasizes the three "FOW's" of war ... the Fortunes of War, the Friction of War and the Fog of War. Players will be challenged to deal with a constantly developing battle situation, never quite sure of what the Gods of War will throw at them, and thus they must always be prepared to deal with historically realistic "black swan" events.
1 - Full color rulebook
1 - Full color scenario Book with THIRTEEN scenarios. Nine use one of the two maps, four use both.
2 - Game Maps totally FIFTEEN SQUARE FEET of gaming goodness
4 - Sheets of a total of 352 13/16" (that's big) counters
1 - 5/8" counter sheet (176 counters) for the admin markers
90 - Cards to activate corps, initiate planned events, trigger unplanned events and create fog of war.
2 - Player Aids
2 - large, 11" x 17" Command Displays
6 - Dice (2 red, 2 black, 2 white)
Hersteller und/oder Verantwortliche Person innerhalb der EU:
Flying Pig Games
LLC 425 Walnut Street Suite 2112
45202 Cincinnati, OH
Vereinigte Staaten
eMail: staff@flyingpiggames.com
Web: https://flyingpiggames.com
Verantwortliche Person für die EU:
BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld
eMail: sales@bnw-distribution.com
Hersteller: | Flying Pig Games |
Kategorie: | Spiele |
Artikelnummer: | FPGMOSFS01 |
Anzahl: | 2 Spieler3 Spieler4 Spieler |
Altersempfehlung: | ab 14 Jahren |
Spielsystem: | The Most Fearful Sacrifice |
Spieldauer: | über 120 Minuten |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Produktart: | Grundspiel |
Lieferstatus: | Backorder |
Warengruppe: | Cosims |