Traveller: Deepnight Revelation - Boxed Set (EN)

64,18 €
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Lieferzeit: 91 - 93 Werktage

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A grand 20 year campaign into deep space, commanding the exploration cruiser Deepnight Revelation. The Deepnight Entity. It was alive when the stars were young. It saw the birth of galaxies, and it will see the death of the universe. It is growth and destruction; menace and saviour. It retreated into a prison of its own making, and there it waits. An exploration ship found the clues, and was destroyed. A researcher touched its mind, and was driven insane. What is it? We must know.

Deepnight Revelation. Deepnight Revelation, a former navy cruiser. Outfitted for the most stupendous mission in human history; a one-ship expedition along the Great Rift to the edge of the Spiral Arm. Deepnight Revelation will explore the uncharted systems along its path; contact unknown species and weather unpredictable dangers. At last we will stand before the gates to the Entity's prison and demand entry. We will confront the Deepnight Entity and seek answers.

One Ship, Many Stories. There is a place for any Traveller aboard Deepnight Revelation; scientists and explorers, pilots and engineers, diplomats and rogues. There are mysteries to be unravelled, enemies to battle, and situations that require... unconventional... talents. The Travellers can take on any role they please, from humble research assistants to the mission's commanders. The decisions they make will shape the course of the expedition - and perhaps the history of entire species.

Deepnight Revelation. A voyage beyond everything we know.

Hersteller und/oder Verantwortliche Person innerhalb der EU:

Mongoose Publishing Limited
52-54 Cricklade Road
SN2 8AF Swindon, Wilts

Verantwortliche Person für die EU:
BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld

Hersteller: Mongoose Publishing
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: MGP40040
GTIN: 9781913076191
Spielsystem‍: Traveller RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Lieferstatus‍: Backorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele