Traveller - Fifth Frontier War: Opening Moves (EN)

47,90 €
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Verfügbar ab: Januar 2025
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Body pistols and firebombs suddenly turn a normal day on the starport concourse lethal. An uprising on-planet and a Zhodani battlefleet inbound are the first signs that the Fifth Frontier War has broken out. With the system under attack from within and without, the Travellers must escape before the starport is overrun.

In Opening Moves, the Travellers will experience terror and denial, heroism and the sheer stupidity of the first days of the Fifth Frontier War. A race across District 268 places them at the pivotal Battle of Elixabeth, where they will play a greater part than anyone may ever know.
Hersteller: Mongoose Publishing
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: MGP40126
GTIN: 9781916675285
Spielsystem‍: Traveller RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Lieferstatus‍: Preorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele