Trinity Continuum Adventure (EN)

45,41 €
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Lieferzeit: 91 - 93 Werktage

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After the explosion of Doctor Sir Calvin Hammersmith's "telluric engine" early in the 20th century, people the world over begin to demonstrate extraordinary capabilities. Stalwart individuals with the strength to pull a safe from a wall, or the quickness of hand to pluck a bullet from the air. Mesmerists with the ability to cloud mens' minds or see visions of distant places. Valiant daredevils with unparalleled skill or luck. Collectively called the Inspired, the newly-formed Æon Society for Gentlemen is on a mission to guide the Inspired, catalog telluric phenomena, and shepherd humanity to a better place.

Trinity Continuum: Adventure! is the next edition of the pulp action game Adventure!, originally released in 2001. This new edition features mechanics that are both flexible and fast as well as new Inspired powers. While the setting is quite similar to the original edition's, it has been newly updated to better fit into the overall Continuum setting and encourage heroic roleplaying.

The Trinity Continuum is a vast timeline of adventure, speckled with dramatic points across the past, present, and future, where heroes - or villains - arise. While each systems and setting supplement will explore part of the Trinity Continuum timeline, these points in time aren't dots in a straight line - this isn't a long-form metaplot to be simply read aloud. Instead, they're points of quantum probabilities. Anything can happen, so it's up to you and your cast to make it happen!

The Trinity Continuum will grow as the timeline is explored, with possible setting supplements handling everything from ancient Greek battalions to two-fisted pulp daredevils, from dystopian brain tech to galactic imperialism.

Trinity Continuum: Adventure! is a pulp action game set in an alternate history 1930s putting the players in the shoes of daring adventurers who seek to right wrongs and stop evildoers. In a world altered by strange telluric energy, characters may find themselves transported to places out of time where dinosaurs still roam or stopping an evil genius from blowing up the moon. Inside you will find:

- Details about the world of the Trinity Continuum in the 1930s explaining telluric energy and the events that created the Inspired.
- Rules for creating Inspired characters, with three different types of Inspired, Daredevils, Mesmerists, and Stalwarts, along with new Gifts for all three.
- New rules for Inspired characters including Dramatic Editing and special super science rules.
- Advice for running and playing pulp adventure games in a historical setting along with how to mix and match different pulp genres to get the most out of your game.

Requires the use of the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook.

Hersteller und/oder Verantwortliche Person innerhalb der EU:

Onyx Path Publishing, LLC
1010 Snyder Rd
19446-4610 Lansdale
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Verantwortliche Person für die EU:
BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld

Hersteller: Onyx Path Publishing
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: ONXTRI016
Spielsystem‍: Trinity Continuum Adventure RPG
Sprache‍: Englisch
Lieferstatus‍: Backorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele