Verdun (EN)

26,49 €
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Angekündigt für: Mai 2025
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Für dieses Produkt gibt es folgenden Sicherheitshinweis: Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.

Verdun is a 1v1 and 2v2 partnership card game revisiting the German and French armies fighting in the World War I battlefields of Verdun. As their hands dwindle, players will also have to play cards that help the other side, timing it strategically to minimize their own casualties. The teams alternate being the Attacker, mirroring the back-and-forth nature of the Verdun battles, bringing costly decision-making to the table. Every card played has consequences, and every round is a tension-filled challenge.


A game of Verdun consists of 1 to 3 Rounds. Before the first Round, each team secretly organizes one of their Assets behind each or their five Fortifications. Then each player receives a hand of 12 cards, which they then play in a series of 12 tricks. In each trick, each team tries to minimize Casualties on their side while protecting their Assets and Fortifications. A team scores points for Overrunning the opponent's fortifications and capturing their Assets and for protecting their own Fortifications and Assets. And each team loses points for their Casualties. After three Rounds, the team with the most points (or whose score is the least negative) wins.

Hersteller und/oder Verantwortliche Person innerhalb der EU:

Dragon Dawn Productions
PL 70

Hersteller: Dragon Dawn Productions
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: DDPVERDU01
GTIN: 640712861157
Anzahl‍: 2 Spieler3 Spieler4 Spieler
Altersempfehlung‍: ab 14 Jahren
Spielsystem‍: Verdun
Spieldauer‍: bis 30 Minuten
Sprache‍: Englisch
Produktart‍: Grundspiel
Lieferstatus‍: Preorder
Warengruppe‍: Cosims