Vermis II Mist & Mirrors (EN)

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"Vermis II" is the second of an artbook series by the artist Plastiboo.
A pure act of world-building inspired by old dungeon crawler games.
It could be considered an official guide of a game that doesn't exist, since it's not a game at all!

Thy flesh doth not belong to thee.
published by Hollow Press first printing
off-set full-color printing
stitched binding
176 pages
weird pocket format 16x19.7 cm

The Team:
Artwork: Plastiboo
Editor: Michele Nitri
Graphic design: Christian Dolz Bayarri
Graphic supervisor: Marco Cirillo Pedri
English translation and proofreader: E. R.

Hersteller: Hollow Press
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: HOPVMI02
Sprache‍: Englisch
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele