The town of Red Oak has seen more than its fair share of shootouts and gunfights. Its location in the Arizona territory seems to be within the reach of many of the varied groups who hope to gain some sway over the people of the West. The bridge in town is the only one for miles up and downstream and could be considered a strategic point for anyone with military learning. Wyatt Earp passes through, sometimes dropping off his latest quary in the Jail until they can be properly tried. The Metalsmith in town is usually tasked with fixing some broken piece of equipment or other that most rough-and-tumble types don't have the smarts to look after properly. Various Outlaw gangs end up in town wanting to trade or spend their ill-gotten gains on whatever entertainment their minds can think up. The Cathouse and Saloon are usually the first place Outlaws (or anyone new in town for that matter) head to. If trouble starts in either of these places the locals usually make sure the instigators are sent to the last place in town anyone wants to visit, the Crematorium. It's an unusual site but the local Boot Hill was filled to bursting during the Ore War so most of the locals have got used to the foul-smelling smoke on Sunday afternoons. The one place that isn't busy is the Prospector's Shack just on the outskirts. Some say it's haunted and some say that Old Joshua just likes to keep to himself with the aid of a shotgun. Either way, most folks keep their distance.
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