Women are Werewolves (EN)

29,06 €
inkl. 7% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Backorder)

Lieferzeit: 91 - 93 Werktage

Für dieses Produkt gibt es folgenden Sicherheitshinweis: Achtung: Nicht für Kinder unter 36 Monaten geeignet.

Throughout this nonbinary storytelling game, characters explore their relationships to gendered spaces and family traditions. They also explore their relationships with their queer and non-queer family members. The game asks you to navigate the various gendered traditions your family engages in and deal with the awkward questions, misguided assumptions, and occasional microaggressions that come with it.

At its heart, Women are Werewolves is a game about discovering your boundaries and whether you can find, or make, a space for your authentic self within a family that might not understand you.

All characters are nonbinary. Players determine whether their characters have a wolf form or not, and build their own werewolf mythology as the game progresses.

Make a place for yourself in the family that raised you, or choose to find family elsewhere. What will you decide?

boxed deck of tarot-sized cards

Hersteller und/oder Verantwortliche Person innerhalb der EU:

Cheer Up Games
PO Box 4
01866 Pinehurst
Vereinigte Staaten
eMail: chris@cheerupgames.com
Web: https://cheerupgames.com

Verantwortliche Person für die EU:
BNW Distribution GmbH
Winkelsweg 169
40764 Langenfeld
eMail: sales@bnw-distribution.com

Hersteller: 9th Level Games
Kategorie: Spiele
Artikelnummer: 9LG03000
GTIN: 653341993397
Sprache‍: Englisch
Lieferstatus‍: Backorder
Warengruppe‍: Rollenspiele